So Where is Japan located? Here you find the location of Japan in the world map.

Finding the location of Japan in the world map( The map shows you where Japan is):

One of the commonly asked question about Japan for the very beginner is WHERE IS JAPAN?.
OK so here is the answer.

Japan is located on the east side of the Eurasian continent, it is an island country surrounded by the sea on all sides.

[where is japan?] location of japan in the world map.
[where is japan?] location of japan in the world map. Click to enlarge. 

The marker shows where Japan is in the world map(googlemap).

Japan is a part in the East Asia. On the western side of the Sea of ​​Japan other Asian countries such as Russia, South Korea, and China is present across the sea.

Enlarged maps.

Climate of Japan:

Since the Japan island is vertically spread, climate vastly differs depending on the region.
In Hokkaido(the most north prefecture) the temperature can sometimes get to minus 30 Celsius in winter. While in Okinawa(the most south prefecture) rarely gets below 10 Celsius.

Population in Japan:

The population of japan is approximately 12 million. 1/10 of those population resides in the capital city of japan, Tokyo. Approximately 1/3 of the population is above age 65 according to the figure released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. (link

[How do you say hello in Japanese?] basic greetings in Japanese.

saying Hello in Japanese is;

Konnitiwa こんにちわ

here are some other greeting words in Japanese.

Good Afternoon - Konbanwa こんばんわ

Good Morning Ohayou Gozaimasu おはようございます

Goodbye - Sayounara さようなら

See You Tomorrow - Mata ashita またあした

Goodluck - Ogenkide おげんきで

Thank you - Arigatou(gozaimasu) ありがとうございます

         ()more formal

Hello(telephone) - Moshimoshi もしもし


[What is the national flag of Japan?] List of national symbols of Japan.

The national flag of Japan: The rising sun

Flag of Japan is based on white, and there is a red colored circle "the Rising Sun" at the center.

The national song of Japan: Kimigayo

The national bird of japan:Green peasant

The national sports of japan: Sumo wrestling, Kendo and Judo.

The national flower of japan: Sakura and Kiku

You can see the cherry blossom when you come to visit japan in Spring. It is deeply rooted in people's soul in japan. There will be forecasting cherry blossom on TV around in March to April, so that people in japan does not miss the right time to watch the blossom.

While the cherry blossom is said to be the symbol of spring in japan, Kiku(Chrysanthemum) is said to be the symbol of autumn.

The national animals of japan: Green peasant and Japanese carp.

List of national symbols of Japan:

Above information is gathered below for convenience.

Google searchGoogle imageWikipedia
National flagthe rising sun日の丸searchimagejump
National songKimigayo君が代search
National birdGreen peasantキジ(雉)searchimagejump
National sportsSumo wrestling相撲searchimagejump

Japanese Martial arts:
National flower
(emblem flower)
aka cherry blossom

National animalsGreen peasantキジ(雉)searchimagejump
Japanese carpニシキゴイ(錦鯉)searchimagejump